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  • Collection: Black Nationalism

black panther pamphlet.pdf
The Program (or platform) of the Black Panther Party. The BPP program would later be amended many times over to include such issues as treatment of women.

Female Black Panthers carry the Black Panther flag.

One of the fundamental principles of black nationalism was self-defense. The Black Panther Party used the notion of self-defense to monitor neighborhoods, protecting black citizens against police brutality.

A cartoon in The Black Panther showing a woman holding weapons and a man in the background, with the caption “All the weapons we used to use against each other we now use against the oppressor.” Shows a shift in the style of cartoons, from a…

Carlos Montes was a co-founder of the Brown Berets in 1967.

Chicano Moratorium protesters outside the Marine Corps recruiting station

chicanos walk.jpg
Chicanos walk from Belvedere Park to Laguna Park in protest of Vietnam War

Chicanos celebrate Dia de Los Muertos--Day of the Dead--during a parade in 1978. The Chicano movement, as a result of its emphasis on Mexican tradition, prompted an increased interest in Day of the Dead as well as many art pieces commemorating the…
Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon
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