A Black Panther cartoon depicting a shootout between “Pigs” and Black Panthers, where the Panther is greatly outnumbered yet the last one standing. The cartoon accompanies a story about a supposed ambush by 200-300 “Pigs” in New York on 12…
A collage of photos in The Black Panther depicting Black Panther activities (supposedly while awaiting the verdict in the case of Huey Newton), like the Free Breakfast Program, a march on the courthouse, and various protests. Spread cultural…
A Black Panther cartoon depicting the shift in the black liberation movement between the traditional Civil Rights Movement and Black Nationalism movement, alluding to white reaction, cultural nationalism, attitudes toward violence, and the Free Huey…
A cover of The Black Panther advocating the release of the “Latino Seven,” seven young Latino men who had been arrested
Following a fight between two San Francisco police officers and the Seven, resulting in the death of one officer.
A cartoon in The Black Panther depicting U.S. Imperialism as a pig, attacked by guns and knives representing African, Asian, Latin American and American liberation movements. Representative of the use of “pig” imagery as well as the use of…
A cartoon in The Black Panther showing a woman holding weapons and a man in the background, with the caption “All the weapons we used to use against each other we now use against the oppressor.” Shows a shift in the style of cartoons, from a…
Chicanos celebrate Dia de Los Muertos--Day of the Dead--during a parade in 1978. The Chicano movement, as a result of its emphasis on Mexican tradition, prompted an increased interest in Day of the Dead as well as many art pieces commemorating the…