The Office of Senator Richard B. Russell, Jr.

Supported by Charles and Ann Campbell, this space provides a representation of the United States Senator’s Washington office that includes much of his original furniture, photographs, books, and memorabilia. The space conveys both a personal sense of the man who served Georgia for thirty-eight years as well as a clear sense of the wide ranging activities, concerns, and responsibilities of a busy congressional office.   

You can see images of Russell with constituents, colleagues, and family members, as well as plaques noting his various accomplishments. The bookcases are topped with model airplanes, many of which the Senator received while serving as Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Many of the items on his desk provide a glimpse into his personal life and hobbies – a framed photograph of his father, Judge Richard B. Russell, Sr., an autographed baseball, and a small transistor radio (disguised as a telephone!) for listening to baseball games.  

One thing that is missing from this office: clutter! In his real Senate Office, the large table in the center of the room would have been covered in books and papers, used in researching and writing legislation and keeping up with all the comings and goings on of the U.S. Senate. You can see the clutter captured in the photographs displayed on the center table.