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  • Collection: Washington Park Neighborhood

atl inquirer 12.29.1962 - adjusted.jpg
Front page of Atlanta Inquirer, showcasing the article "Voters League Stops Efforts to Divide Negroes on Buffer". This references the "Peyton Buffer" or Atlanta's Berlin Wall, which was an attempt by mayor Ivan Allen Jr. to barricade the Cascadeā€¦

atl inquirer 3.13.1965 - adjusted.jpg
Front page of The Atlanta Inquirer, showcasing the article "Selma Continues in Terror." This references the Selma to Montgomery marches that resulted in violence.

washington park modern sign001.jpg
Modern sign for Washington Park, a historically-Black park in Atlanta

standard life insurance broadside.jpg
Broadside advertising the Standard Life Insurance Company. It describes the company and cites its financial success as a marketing strategy.

national register - 0001 w border.jpg
Document granting the Washington Park Neighborhood a place on the National Register of Historic Places due to its historical significance

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Photograph of the historical Heman Perry Dream House located in Washington Park. It is in a run-down state

2012 neighborhood profile001.jpg
Map showing the characteristics of structures in Washington Park, including structure condition and occupancy

tennis photos001.jpg
Shows a group of male tennis players at Washington Park

tennis photos002.jpg
Family members posing outside the tennis courts at Washington Park

tennis photos003.jpg
Shows man standing amongst tennis balls on a tennis court in Washington Park
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