Cartoon depicts the major events of the year as a Russian ballet, including a depiction of British politician Henry Asquith and his opposition to the women's suffrage movement
Cartoon showing the crowd of suffragists. Caption reads "Mr. Haldane (thinking Territorially), "Ah! If only I could get the men to come forward like that!"
Portrait of Betty Ford wearing a dress designed by her friend Frankie Welch. Ford donated this dress to represent her in the Smithsonian Institution’s First Ladies Collection.
Frankie Welch giving a talk at the University of Georgia, likely about her exhibition entitled Frankie Welch Designs. Multiple of her past designs can be seen in the background, such as the Nixon inauguration and the Betty Ford scarves.
Frankie Welch in her shop with two of her 1968 designs: a dress made from the Republican National Convention fabric and the Hubert H. Humphrey H-line dress