Family Day: Drinkable Water in Georgia

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Where does your water come from? Your answer might be that water comes from the faucet or the water hose. While this is true, water takes a long journey before it gets to your home. Let's see where that journey begins!

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When it rains or snows, water collects in large bodies of water. Bodies of water include rivers, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and oceans. In Georgia, there are several man-made lakes and natural rivers from which we collect water used for drinking and other important activities. Is there a lake or river near where you live?

Follow this link to learn about the Georgia river closest to you! 

Georgia River Network river map

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Before it gets to your glass, water must be purified and free of dirt and germs. Cities and counties have large water treatment plants where all drinking water gets sanitized. These plants make sure that the water in your house is safe for you to drink!


Clean water is important for people for many reasons. Clean water is also important for wildlife. Animals such as the American river otter rely on us to keep their natural water sources clean by not polluting or using too much water.

Check out more examples of wildlife in Georgia that rely on clean water!

Georgia DNR Wildlife Lists

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What can we do to care for and appreciate our natural resources like water? Using less water, not littering, and stopping pollution are just some of the ways we can help keep water clean! Can you think of more?

Family Day: Drinkable Water in Georgia