People of Oconee Hill Cemetery

Dublin Core


People of Oconee Hill Cemetery


People of Oconee Hill Cemetery


Graves and Summeries of the people buried in the Oconee Hill Cemetery


Kendall Hallberg

Collection Items

Mildred Lewis Rutherford
Active member of the Athens Ladies Memorial Association, Mildred Lewis Rutherford, a.k.a. "Miss Millie", was a prominent historian for the Confederate telling of the Civil War.

Sylvester Beer
Sylvester Beer, a devoted fan of local sports, rests in the shadows of Sanford Stadium.

Ben T. Epps
The father of the state's aviation, Ben Epps—inventor, mechanic, and aviator

Colonel William G. Deloney
Colonel William G. Deloney founded and commanded a cavalry company in the Cobb Legion of the Army of Northern Virginia from 1861-1863, before being killed in action.

George Anderson Mell
George Anderson Mell, husband of Daisy Beatrice Mell, was a banker born in Liberty Country, Georgia who died in Athens in 1931

Clara Ella Hill Cunningham
Clara Ella Hill Cunningham lived a short life of 23 years, enjoying a few months of married life with William Cunningham but many years with her large family.

Martin Luther Smith
He was an American solider for the United States from 1842 to 1861. He resigned from the United States and joined the confederacy until 1865 using his skills as an engineer.

Gottlieb Hauser
Gottlieb Hauser was born in Germany, but died a full blooded Athenian. He was a son, Father, Soldier, and cigar dealer.

Mary Dorothy Lyndon
Mary Dorothy Lyndon, a vastly educated woman, was the first woman to receive a degree from the University of Georgia. As Associate Professor of Education and Dean of Women at the University of Georgia, she was able to implement a number of programs…

Ricky Helton Wilson
Ricky Helton Wilson was born on March 19, 1953 and died at the age of 32 on October 12, 1985. He is best known for being the original guitarist for the B-52’s.
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